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How to Prepare for Yule

How to Prepare for Yule

With the winter solstice right around the corner you maybe wondering, well what can I do this year to prepare for Yule? I have a few ideas. Let me guide you in the right direction to having a memorable and magical holiday season. Yule comes this year Thursday Dec 21, 2023 and runs till Monday Jan 1st, 2024. Yule is the store’s one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. It simultaneously celebrates the shortest day of the year, midwinter, and the return of the Sun. It's also a festival of rebirth. 

if you’re looking to incorporate some magic and new traditions in your home this holiday season here are a few ways to make this holiday memorable…

Yule Celebration Ideas:

  • Make a Yule altar
  • Burn incense of Sage, Pine, or Rosemary
  • Forage for pinecones and needles (amazing for protection)
  • Dehydrate Berries for your tree
  • Make cinnamon ornaments for your tree (kids love this!)
  • Save snow water for later in the year
  • Decorate with things from nature bringing the outside in
  • Come up with a ritual for the evening you and your family can do before bed. Even if its saying thank you to whoever is your higher power.
  • Make a Yule log
  • Make a wreath for your door
  • Have a bonfire with loved ones
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Have a Yule dinner/get together
  • Do a family or solo Yule ritual 
  • Wassailing 
  • Put up your tree as a family
  • Set aside quiet time in the evening to reflect
  • Slow down. The holidays have become less of a time or reflection over the years and more about money and gifts. Sometimes just taking some time to breath and slow down can make the world of difference. 
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